
Insaf - National Justice Initiative for All by PJN Pakistan

Fri, November 01, 2024

An open call for civil society organizations and lawyers to join #JusticeforAll initiative as a national cause with PJN in order to protect the right for access to justice for all.
National Justice Initiative for All is a volunteer collective initiative by the civil society organizations and the justice defenders lawyers aimed at addressing systemic barriers and ensuring access to justice for all communities, especially marginalized groups, across Pakistan.
Call for Civil Society Organizations: As part of initiative, we will be strengthening the capacity of local civil society organizations willing to join the initiative through formal legal empowerment institutional trainings and resource materials, so they able to operate in their communities as #CommunityJusticeCenters
Legal Empowerment Institutional Training for NGOs aims to enhance the capacity of non-governmental organizations to address legal issues within communities, advocate for justice, and support vulnerable groups through practical legal support.
Call for Lawyers: In order to protect the right to access to justice, we also encourage human rights #lawyers from across Pakistan to join the initiative as #justicedefenders for their respective communities to provide probono legal aid support to poor and vulnerable communities in need. #OneCase #OneLawyer #OneYear 
The National Justice Initiative aims to establish a robust system of justice support across the country. Let's stand together for the rights of women, children, refugees, persons with disabilities, religious minorities, transgender community and all the poor and vulnerable communities in Pakistan.
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