
Pakistan leads in adopting SDGs, says UN report

Sun, January 17, 2021

ISLAMABAD:Pakistan has taken the lead in adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), becoming one of the first countries in the world to take up their pledge to transform lives and protect the planet.

A report by the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework for Pakistan (UNSDF) has said that the UN is committed to work with the government of Pakistan with a grassroots level approach, reaching people of Pakistan and make a lasting contribution to national development priorities.

It reaffirms its goal to take forward the principle of “leaving no one behind” and to improve the living conditions of all the people in the country, especially the most vulnerable, marginalised and disadvantaged factions of the society, the report said.

Keeping in view the emerging scale of Pakistan’s economic growth, the report termed it inclusive that benefits all people. With the government’s targeted and all-inclusive policies, it added, all the people would have access to quality services; where natural and cultural resources were safeguarded.

It said that the economic growth of the country, owing to its trajectory, has the potential to ensure social development equitable; where women and men, boys and girls, and transgender individuals could fulfil their potential with dignity and equality of opportunity.

Moreover, with a sustainable development and rising economic growth good governance is supreme along with rule of law, where development is not just about today, but also about meeting the needs of future generations, the report added.

Published in the Express Tribune on Janaury 12 2021.

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