Peace Justice Network (PJN) Pakistan has signed a strategic MOU with UNDP Pakistan office for SDG 16 this is focusing to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels on 12th December, 2017.
The purpose of this MOU is to provide a framework of cooperation and facilitate and strengthen collaboration between the Parties, in areas of common interest to help build institutions which can strengthen democracy, deliver quick and inexpensive justice, and resolve conflict in a way that protects the rights of citizens, as enshrined in the Constitution, laws and international commitments pertaining to Pakistan.
The partnership with UNDP will lead to the development of a Knowledge Hub SDG 16 and Centre for Justice Statistics Pakistan, and a roadmap for achieving SDG-16 by 2030 through mutual support. Broadly MOU is focusing on following areas in context of SDG 16 as 2030 vision:
We will be planning consultation in coming month (January, 2018) on SDG 16 with CLSF members and technical partners for the development of SDG 16 Roadmap as well as to integrate it with all the programs (current/upcoming) in Pakistan. Will share its email along with the detailed concept on consultation in first week of January, 2018.
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